《gossip girl 11 英文》



gossip girl 11 英文- 第24部分

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?Well; it?simportant; ? she whined。 

?I?m sure that it is;? Harold Waldorf said with a sigh。 ?But important things are happening over 
here too。 Giles has been up all night with the twins?just the nastiest case of colic。 We tried this 

fabulous new vaporizer; but nothing is working。? There was a pause; and Blair could hear the 
guttural cooing of a baby over the line。 

?I?m sorry I didn?t tell you about the twins before now; honey。 But it was kind of a 
spur…of…the…moment acquisition。? He chuckled; and Blair could hear one of the sniveling brats 
cooing again。 ?But let me tell you; it was the best one I?ve ever made。? Burberry baby bib: fifty 
dollars。 Herm?s Pacifier: six hundred dollars。 Cambodian babies: priceless。 

?Blair;? her father cooed over the din of baby…speak; ?Ping would like to say hello?say hi to your 
new little brother!? She heard a rustling sound as the little monster was held up to the phone; and 
then a series of gurgling noises that sounded like the baby was drowning in its own spit。 ?Pong is 
still sleeping; but when she wakes up she?ll say hi too。? Blair rolled her eyes。 Ping and Pong? 

Isn?t it technically called table tennis? 

?Daddy;? she snapped。?I need to talk to you!? 

What happened to treading lightly? 

?There?s no need to getsnippy about it;? her father replied; rather snippily himself。 ?Just let me 
put the baby down。? Good。 Maybe now he could pay some attention to his firstborn。 

?You know how Nate and I were going to Yale together?? Blair plowed ahead; not waiting for 
her father to respond。 She could hear the sound of him whispering in French to someone in the 
background。 ?Well; Nate didn?t get his diploma from St。 Jude?s; and now it looks like he can?t go 
to Yale in the fall?they want him to repeat senior year instead。? ?Oh; honey。? Her father?s voice 
was sympathetic now。 ?I?m so sorry。You must be devastated。? ?Well; Iwas。 ? Blair picked up her 
Mason…Pearson hairbrush and whipped it through her smooth; chestnut…and…gold locks。 ?Until I 
remembered that you?re on the board of trustees。 Isn?t there something you can do about it? 
Maybe talk to the dean of admissions and put in a good word for Nate or something? Everyone 
respects youso much; Daddy;? she said; back to her original plan of kissing ass。 Her father sighed; 
and then there was more rustling。 

?It?s not so easy; Blair…Bear。 。 。 。 I can?t just make a diploma magically appear。? He whispered 
something in French to Giles; and Blair momentarily wished she?d actually learned the language 
in her AP French class。 ?I?d really like to help; but I can?t just snap my fingers and make Nate?s 
problems go away。 Besides; with the new twins and all; this isn?t the best?? ?Daddy; youowe me。? 
Blair cut him off midsentence with an exasperated sigh。 ?First you move to France during 
myformative years; and now you?ve replaced me with these twins。? She took a deep breath and 
tried to stop herself from pletely losing it。 Had everyone gone totally insane? First her mother 
had announced the family was moving to Los Angeles; next Serena and Nate had told her they 
were staying in New York; and now her dad was going to bail on her when she needed him most? 

Blair heard footsteps in the hall; and suddenly the door swung open to reveal her stepbrother; 

Aaron; wearing electric yellow Quicksilver board shorts and a burgundy Harvard T…shirt; followed 
by his disgusting boxer; Mookie?who immediately bounded up to Blair and began covering her 
crotch in dog drool。 

?Get off me!? she yelled; rubbing the wet; goopy places on her legs where Mookie had licked her。 
The dog trotted over to the corner where Blair had tossed her dirty laundry; picked out one of her 
pink Cosabella thongs; and lay down; the lace hanging from his jowls。 

Well; at leastsomeone?s interested in getting in her pants these days。 

Blair rolled her eyes to the ceiling and threw a pillow at Aaron。 He sat down on the floor next to 
the boxer and lit one of his foul herbal cigarettes; chuckling as Mookie ripped Blair?s expensive 
underwear to shreds。 His normally pale face was tan; and his dark; short dreadlocks were streaked 
with copper; like he?d been living on a beach all summer。 Aaron was annoying; but at least he 
didn?t look anything like his dad; Cyrus; who was the most revolting human specimen of a 
stepfather Blair had ever encountered。 

?Daddy; are you still there?? 

?I?m here; Blair…Bear?and I?ll try。 But no promises; okay? I want you to be realistic about the 
situation。 If it?s meant to be; it?s meant to be。? The babies started wailing again; and her dad 
offered a quick ?Love you; see you in a few days!? before signing off。 

Oh; it was meant to be; all right;Blair thought as she tossed her phone down on the bed。 You 
couldn?t stop destiny?and she and Nate weredestined to be together forever。 

?Thanks for the friendly wele; Sis。? Aaron grinned and leaned up against Mookie; throwing 
his arm around the dog?s neck in a half nelson。 Good。 Maybe he?d strangle the thing by accident。 
Mookie offered him a wet lick across his face。 

?Oh; right。 Wele back;? she said irritably。 ?And I told you to stop calling me that。 Just 
because my mom married your dad doesn?t mean I?m your sister。? ?Uh; no offense; Sis; but that?s 
exactly what it means。? Aaron smoothed down Mookie?s gross; slobbery fur with one hand and 

?Whatever。? Blair inspected her French manicure; which was now chipped。 As if she needed one 
more fucked up thing in her life。 

 Poor baby! 

?So; you getting psyched for Yale?? Aaron asked; lying back on the floor。 Mookie promptly got 
up and sat on his chest; obscuring his face so that all Blair could see was his dreadlocks; and 
Mookie?s grinning; drooling muzzle。 It was like they?d bee one giant dog…dreadlock monster。 
Before Blair could answer; Aaron?s muffled voice continued。 ?Remember when I drove you up for 

your interview; and we stayed at that gross motel?? ?Oh God?how could I forget?? Blair laughed 
bitterly。 At the time; she?d thought her luck couldn?t get any worse。 After a night of drinking too 
much beer and eating too much junk food from their motel vending machine; she?d overslept for 
her Yale interview; which had wound up being a total disaster。 Now that she was into Yale; she 
could look back and laugh。 If she hadn?t gotten in; Aaron wouldn?t be alive now to remind her of 
the story。 ?Anyway; how was your road trip? Pick up any interesting; homicidal hitchhikers?? He 
laughed。 ?No hitchhikers。 It was good?I pretty much didn?t want to e back。 But I guess I 
should probably pack up a few things before I leave for Harvard。? ?Yeah; before the movers e 
and we bee homeless;? Blair added angrily。 She kicked the trunk at the foot of her bed for 

?Well; I guess that tells me how you?re feeling about the move。? Aaron inched a little farther 
away; as if afraid she was going to kick him next。 ?What; are you worried you?ll miss all the good 
sales at Barneys?? ?Yeah; actually。? Blair crossed her arms over her chest。 

He nodded his dreadlocked head sympathetically and took another puff from his herbal cigarette;

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