《6 the short second life of bree tanner布里·坦纳第二次短暂生命》



6 the short second life of bree tanner布里·坦纳第二次短暂生命- 第21部分

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 third night one more day to go; and when I thought about the ticking clock it tied my empty stomach into knots Riley called all the mock fights to a halt。  “Round it up; kids;” he told us; and everyone moved into a loose halfcircle facing him。 The original gangs all stood close together; so the practicing hadn’t changed any of those alliances。 Fred put the cards in his back pocket and stood up。 I stood close to his side; counting on his repulsive aura to hide me。  “You’ve done well;” Riley told us。 “Tonight; you get a reward。 Drink up; because tomorrow you’re going to want your strength。 ”  Snarls of relief from almost everyone。  “I say want and not need for a reason;” Riley went on。 “I think you guys have got this。 You’ve stayed smart and worked hard。 Our enemies aren’t going to know what’s hit them!”  Kristie and Raoul growled; and both of their panies followed suit immediately。 I was surprised to see it; but they did look like an army in that moment。 Not that they were marching in formation or anything; but there was just something uniform 
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about the response。 Like they all were part of one big organism。 As always; Fred and I were the glaring exceptions; but I thought only Riley was even the slightest bit aware of usevery now and then his eyes would scan across where we were standing; almost like he was checking to make sure he still felt Fred’s talent。 And Riley didn’t seem to mind that we weren’t joining up。 For now; anyway。  “Um; you mean tomorrow night; right; boss?” Raoul clarified。  “Right;” Riley said with a strange little smile。 It didn’t seem like anyone else noticed anything off in his reply   except for Fred。 He looked down at me with one eyebrow raised。 I shrugged。  “You ready for your reward?” Riley asked。  His little army roared in response。  “Tonight you get a taste of what our world will be like when our petition is out of the picture。 Follow me!”  Riley bounded away; Raoul and his team were right on his heels。 Kristie’s group started shoving and clawing right through the middle of them to get to the front。  “Don’t make me change my mind!” Riley bellowed from the trees ahead。 “You can all go thirsty。 I don’t care!”  Kristie barked an order and her group sullenly fell behind Raoul’s。 Fred and I waited until the last of them was out of sight。 Then Fred did one of those little ladies first sweeps with his arm。 It didn’t feel like he was afraid to have me at his back; just that he was being polite。 I started running after the army。  The others were already long gone; but it was nothing to 
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follow their smell。 Fred and I ran in panionable silence。 I wondered what he was thinking。 Maybe he was only thirsty。 I was burning; so he probably was; too。  We caught up to the others after about five minutes; but kept our distance。 The army was moving in amazing quiet。 They were focused; and more… disciplined。 I kind of wished that Riley had started the training sooner。 It was easier to be around this group。  We crossed over an empty twolane freeway; another strip of forest; and then we were on a beach。 The water was smooth; and we’d gone almost due north; so this must have been the strait。 We hadn’t passed near any residences; and I was sure that was on purpose。 Thirsty and on edge; it wouldn’t take too much to dissolve this small measure of organization into a screaming freeforall。  We’d never hunted all together before; and I was pretty sure that it was not a good idea now。 I remembered Kevin and the SpiderMan kid fighting over the woman in the car that first night I’d talked to Diego。 Riley had better have a whole lot of bodies for us or people were going to start tearing each other up to get the most blood。  Riley paused at the water’s edge。  “Don’t hold back;” he told us。 “I want you well fed and strongat your peak。 Now… let’s go have some fun。”  He dove smoothly into the surf。 The others were growling excitedly as they submerged; too。 Fred and I followed more closely than before because we couldn’t follow their scent under water。 But I could feel that Fred was hesitant   ready to bolt if 
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this was something other than an allyoucaneat smorgasbord。 It seemed like he didn’t trust Riley any more than I did。  We didn’t swim long; and then we saw the others kicking upward。 Fred and I surfaced last; and Riley started talking as soon as our heads were out of the water; like he’d been waiting for us。 He must have been more aware of Fred than the others were。  “There she is;” he said; waving toward a large ferry chugging south; probably making the last muter run of the night down from Canada。 “Give me a minute。 When the power goes out; she’s all yours。”  There was an excited murmur。 Someone giggled。 Riley was off like a shot; and seconds later we saw him fly up the side of the big boat。 He headed straight for the control tower on top of the ship。 Silencing the radio was my bet。 He could say all he wanted about these enemies being our reason for caution; but I was sure there was more to it than that。 Humans weren’t supposed to know about vampires。 At least; not for very long。 Just long enough for us to kill them。  Riley kicked a big plateglass window out of his way and disappeared into the tower。 Five seconds later; the lights went out。  I realized Raoul was already gone。 He must have submerged so we wouldn’t hear him swimming after Riley。 Everyone else took off; and the water churned as if an enormous school of barracuda were attacking。  Fred and I swam at a relatively leisurely pace behind them。 In a funny way; it was like we were some old married couple。 
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We never talked; but we still did things at exactly the same time。  We got to the boat about three seconds later; and already the air was full of shrieks and the warm scent of blood。 The smell made me realize exactly how thirsty I was; but that was the last thing I realized。 My brain shut down pletely。 There was nothing but fiery pain in my throat and the delicious bloodblood everywhere promising to put that fire out。  When it was over and there wasn’t a heart left beating on the whole ship; I wasn’t sure how many people I’d personally killed。 More than triple the number I’d ever had on a hunting trip before; easy。 I felt hot and flushed。 I’d drunk long past the point at which my thirst was totally slaked; just for the taste of the blood。 Most of the blood on the ferry was clean and lusciousthese passengers had not been dregs。 Though I hadn’t held back; I was probably at the low end of the kill count。 Raoul was so surrounded by mangled bodies that they actually made a little hill。 He sat on top of his pile of the dead and laughed loudly to himself。  He wasn’t the only one laughing。 The dark boat was full of sounds of delight。 I heard Kristie say; “That was amazing   three cheers for Riley!” Some of her crowd put up a raucous chorus of hurrahs like a bunch of happy drunks。  Jen and Kevin swung onto the view deck; dripping wet。 “Got ’em all; boss;” Jen called to Riley。 So some people must have tried to swim for it。 I hadn’t noticed。  I looked around for Fred。 It took me a while to find him。 I finally realized that I couldn’t look directly at the bac

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